Our Services

Through specialized technical consultancy, LIPOR designs and implements the best sustainable waste management solutions, adapted to the needs of its international Clients, to the scale and culture of the destination Countries.
LIPOR offers tailored customized solutions, supported by innovative processes and the best technology available, added value with upgraded resources, social responsibility and eco-efficient performance.
LIPOR's Services Portfolio is divided into 3 wide areas:

- Technical Consulting
- Environmental Assessment
- Landfill Closure Model
- Integrated Waste Management Model Definition
- Home Composting Programs
- Urban Gardens Projects
- Prevention Plans
- Implementation of Climate Strategies
- Creation of Information Management Platforms
- Elaboration of Marine Litter Strategies
- Waste Characterization Campaigns
Raising Awareness

- Communication Plans
- Environmental Awareness Projects
- Definition of Communication Strategies
- Environmental Education Programs
- Stakeholders Involvement Plans

- Customized Training Courses
- "On-job" Training
- E-Learning Training